Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Our extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil is extracted from naturally grown and cultivated coconuts in Tanzania.

It has a deliciously delicate coconut flavor that makes it a tasty substitute to butter, margarine or ghee. Our coconut oil is a natural energy booster, it is filled with medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and is also an excellent ingredient when cooking with low heat.

With its multi-faceted properties, our coconut oils ensure the hike of good cholesterol levels in the body and helps in lowering obesity fighting insulin resistance.

Coconut oil is also known to slow down the aging process, by lowering stress on the liver.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

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Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

100% Organic

Available in 100ml, 250gms, 500ml & 1ltr

"I have been using their Coconut oil for the past 6 months and my digestion has improved significantly"

John Kiwange

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