Coconut Flour

Coconut Flour

Made from dried, ground coconut meat, coconut flour is a natural byproduct of coconut milk production.


Like wheat flour, coconut flour is a white or off-white flour commonly used in baking. Since it doesn’t contain gluten, people on gluten-free diets can substitute coconut flour in their recipe for baked goods.


Although coconut flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour, many recipes must be adjusted to account for its different composition. Coconut flour is thicker than wheat flour and retains more liquid. Because it is gluten-free, doughs made with coconut flour need to be mixed longer.

Benefits of Coconut Flour

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Coconut Flour

100% Organic

High Protien

High Fiber

Available in 400 gms

"Due to my Gluten allergy, When i switched to Coconut Flour, I have managed to loose over 10kgs"

Esther Bahati – Dar es Salaam

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